Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dionysus Is the Greek God of Wine and Drunken Revelry

Dionysus is the god of wine and drunken revelry in Greek mythology. He is a patron of the theater and an agricultural/fertility god. He was sometimes at the heart of frenzied madness that led to savage murder. Writers often contrast Dionysus with his half-brother Apollo. Where Apollo personifies the cerebral aspects of mankind, Dionysus represents the libido and gratification. Family of Origin Dionysus was the son of the king of the Greek gods, Zeus, and Semele, the mortal daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia of Thebes [see  map section Ed]. Dionysus is called twice-born because of the unusual manner in which he grew: not only in a womb  but also in a thigh. Dionysus the Twice-Born Hera, queen of the gods, jealous because her husband was playing around (again), took characteristic revenge: She punished the woman. In this case, Semele. Zeus had visited Semele in human form but claimed to be a god. Hera persuaded her that she needed more than his word that he was divine. Zeus knew the sight of him in all his splendor would prove fatal, but he had no choice, so he revealed himself. His lightning brightness killed Semele, but first, Zeus took the unborn from her womb and sewed it inside his thigh. There it gestated until it was time for the birth. Roman Equivalent The Romans often called Dionysus Bacchus or Liber. Attributes Usually, visual representations, like the vase shown, depict the god Dionysus sporting a beard. He is usually ivy-wreathed and wears a chiton and often an animal skin. Other attributes of Dionysus are thyrsus, wine, vines, ivy, panthers, leopards, and theater. Powers Ecstasy -- madness in his followers, illusion, sexuality, and drunkenness. Sometimes Dionysus is associated with Hades. Dionysus is called the Eater of Raw Flesh. Companions of Dionysus Dionysus is usually shown in the company of others who are enjoying the fruit of the vine. Silenus or multiple sileni and nymphs engaged in drinking, flute-playing, dancing, or amorous pursuits are the most common companions. Depictions of Dionysus may also include Maenads, the human women made mad by the wine god. Sometimes the part-animal companions of Dionysus are called satyrs, whether meaning the same thing as sileni or something else. Sources Ancient sources for Dionysus include Apollodorus, Diodorus Siculus, Euripides, Hesiod, Homer, Hyginus, Nonnius, Ovid, Pausanias, and Strabo. Greek Theater and Dionysus The development of Greek Theater came out of worship of Dionysus in Athens. The major festival at which the competitive tetralogies (three tragedies and a satyr play) were performed was the City Dionysia. This was an important annual event for the democracy. The theater of Dionysus was on the south slope of the Athenian Acropolis and held room for an audience of 17,000. There were also dramatic contests at the Rural Dionysia and the Lenaia festival, whose name is a synonym for maenad, Dionysus frenzied worshipers. Plays were also performed at the Anthesteria festival, which honored Dionysus as the god of wine.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Los 6 puntos bsicos de las visas J-1 de intercambio

Cada mes hay una media de 170,000 extranjeros disfrutando de una visa J-1 de intercambio en los Estados Unidos. Si se tiene una, es muy importante conocer las reglas fundamentales. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre los programas amparados bajo el nombre J-1, explicacià ³n de fecha mà ¡xima para permanecer legalmente en el paà ­s y periodo de gracia, quà © es la regla de la obligacià ³n de dos aà ±os fuera, cà ³mo saber si aplica al caso de cada uno y, en el caso de los mà ©dicos, cuà ¡les son los caminos para pedir una waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso.   Para qu es la visa J-1 de intercambio Para facilitar que personas extranjeras ingreses a Estados Unidos a participar en diversos programas de intercambio educacional o cultural. Los Programas de la visa J-1 Son muy diversos entre sà ­ y con condiciones comunes pero tambià ©n à ºnicas a cada programa. Au-pair o nià ±eraEstudiante universitario, dentro de un programa encaminado a completar los estudios universitarios que realiza en su paà ­s de origenStaff  de campamento de verano Visitante invitado por el gobierno federal, uno de los estados o municipales o una de sus agenciasPrà ¡cticas para profesionales en Estados UnidosProgramas de entrenamiento para profesionales, como este para ONGs en EEUU. Mà ©dicos para realizar estudios o prà ¡cticasProfesores universitarios o investigadores a medio plazo (Visas H-1B y en algunos casos la visa O son tambià ©n una opcià ³n).Profesores universitarios o investigadores por un periodo corto de tiempo, por ejemplo, una conferencia, una demostracià ³n, etc.Estudiantes de secundaria para cursar sus estudios en una institucià ³n pà ºblica o privada. Para estos estudiantes, hay otras opciones de visa.Especialistas en un à ¡rea concreta de conocimientoTrabajar y viajar en verano para universitariosMaestros (los maestros tambià ©n pued en obtener una visa H-1B) Cul es el primer paso para obtener una visa J-1 Tener un patrocinador (sponsor). Sà ³lo pueden patrocinar una J-1 una institucià ³n pà ºblica o privada que haya sido designada especà ­ficamente por el gobierno americano. Por ejemplo, aquà ­ està ¡ la de patrocinadores de maestros y aquà ­ una lista completa para otros programas. Si el sponsor decide patrocinar enviarà ¡ al patrocinado extranjero un documento que se conoce como DS-2019. Si este documento no se puede pedir la visa. Solicitud de la visa A partir de ahà ­ ya se puede solicitar la J-1 completando en là ­nea el documento DS-160 pagando la tarifa correspondienteaportando los documentos especà ­ficos que se piden para cada programa y segà ºn el lugar desde donde se aplica (seguir las instrucciones del DS-160)asimismo, aportar las fotos y huellas digitales siguiendo las pautas del consulado desde donde se aplica.  acudir al consulado con toda la documentacià ³n y los resguardos de haber pagado haber aplicado el dà ­a y la hora seà ±alado. Seguir en este punto las instrucciones concretas para cada oficina consular Se puede llevar a Estados Unidos a los familiares mientras se desarrolla el programa de intercambio? En la mayorà ­a de los casos es posible solicitar una visa J-2 para los esposos/as   y para los dependientes (hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os). Sin embargo, algunos programas no contemplan esta posibilidad son: au pairmonitor de campamento de veranoestudiante de secundariay programa de trabajar y viajar en verano El procedimiento para obtener la visa J-2 es igual que al de la J-1. Primero hay que obtener el OK del patrocinador y este debe dar el DS-2019 para cada dependiente. Y sà ³lo despuà ©s se solicita la visa per se. En la mayorà ­a de los casos los cà ³nyuges que son titulares de una J-2 pueden trabajar en Estados Unidos, para ello deben solicitar un permiso de trabajo despuà ©s de ingresar al paà ­s.  En cuanto a la validez de sus visas, dejarà ¡n de serlo cuando la J-1 de la que dependen no sea và ¡lida Obligacin de salir del pas al completar el programa J-1 y no regresar por dos aos Algunos programas està ¡n sujetos a este mandato cuando la participacià ³n en el programa recibe fondos del gobierno del paà ­s del patrocinado o de los Estados Unidoscuando se trata de mà ©dicoscuando se posee unos conocimientos o habilidades calificados como necesarios por parte del paà ­s al que pertenece la persona que disfruta de la visa J-1. En estos casos ha que salir de Estados Unidos por dos aà ±os, aunque se puede viajar como turista. Sin embargo no se puede obtener una visa de trabajo tipo L, H o ni una tarjeta de residencia ya que no es posible obtener ni una visa de inmigrante ni un ajuste de estatus. Tampoco es posible sacar la visa K-1 para prometidos de ciudadanos americanos. Los à ºnicos transfer de visa posibles son por una G, para organizaciones internacionales, una A, para diplomà ¡ticos o la visa U para ciertos casos de và ­ctimas de violencia. Es cierto que se puede solicitar una waiver para que esta prohibicià ³n no aplique, pero no es fà ¡cil obtenerla, por lo que es altamente recomendable asesorarse con un abogado migratorio. Cmo saber si se est sujeto a la regla de los dos aos Se puede verificar en la esquina inferior izquierda del documento DS-2019, aunque es posible que està © en blanco.   En todo caso, la visa J-1 sà ­ que menciona explà ­citamente si se està ¡ sujeto a esta regla de tener que salir de los Estados Unidos por dos aà ±os y es que eso aplica a las personas cuyas visas tengan las palabras: Visa Bearer is suject to the 212 (E) Two year residency rule does apply.   Waivers para mdicos Los mà ©dicos con una J-1, en teorà ­a, deberà ­an cumplir con la regla de los dos aà ±os de residencia fuera de Estados Unidos. Pero como es una profesià ³n en gran demanda, principalmente en ciertas zonas del paà ­s, se admiten varios caminos para pedir una waiver: Programa Conrad-30, que permite solicitar a cada uno de los 50 estados un total de 30 waivers.Programa HPSA, gestionado por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos. Programa ARC, gestionado por la Comisià ³n Regional de la Apalachiay el Programa Delta, presente en lo estados de Alabama, Arkansas, Illionois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri y Tennessee. Entradas y salidas con la visa J-1 Para evitar tener la visa cancelada o que impidan el ingreso a los Estados Unidos es muy importante conocer cuà ¡ndo se puede ingresar al paà ­s, cuà ¡nto se debe salir y cuà ¡l es el periodo de gracia. Quedarse mà ¡s tiempo del permitido tiene como consecuencia la cancelacià ³n de la visa y, a partir de los 180 dà ­as de estancia ilegal la situacià ³n se puede complicar por aplicacià ³n del castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os.   Informacin adicional Si la visa J-1 no es la adecuada para un posible visitante a los Estados Unidos, un buen lugar por donde comenzar a informarse es conocer todas las visas no inmigrante con las que se puede ingresar al paà ­s. En algunos casos, los titulares de una visa J-1 pueden traer a sus familiares con una visa J-2. En el caso de nià ±os en primaria o secundaria es muy recomendable familiarizarse con el sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos antes de llegar al paà ­s.   Este artà ­culo no es informacià ³n legal para ningà ºn caso en concreto. Es sà ³lo informacià ³n general.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How Does Technology Negatively Affect Daily Lives

How Does Technology Negatively Affect Daily Lives? The other night I had a terrible nightmare. My friend and I ignored each other when we were having lunch because we were both busy texting somebody else. I barely remembered our conversation because it was fragmented. After that, I logged on Facebook, on which I had already spent all my spare time, trying to catch up with my 1000+ â€Å"friends†. Unfortunately, I found most of them I barely know or see. Oh wait, it’s not a dream. It’s happening in reality. With the rapid development of communication technology, new methods of communication, for example cell phones and the Internet, are popularizing in daily lives and are replacing the old way of communication – face-to-face interaction. The†¦show more content†¦For example, like my nightmare in the beginning of the article, I technologically had more than 1000 friends in my friend list. I spent almost all my spare time on catching up with these â €Å"virtual† friends and following up their posts, but IShow MoreRelatedTechnology Involment in Our School Lives895 Words   |  4 PagesTechnology involvement in our school lives Technology is not only impeding lives every day, but altering our learning in schools as well! Whether or not technology hampers with the attention spans of students and the ability to persevere in the face of challenging tasks, and do computers, phone, and video games affect students capability to focus? These technologies will affect how the world will grow as the future generations may falter as they struggled through schooling. Societies will becomeRead MoreCommunication : A Essential Component Of A Healthy Social Lifestyle1415 Words   |  6 Pagesmade advances in technology to improve our style of social communication. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Stereotypes The Way Men And Women Act - 1368 Words

Through the media, American culture stigmatizes the way men and women act by portraying masculine men as only capable of being tough, unemotional, and protective; likewise, femininity envelopes nurturing, submissive, and unobtrusive characteristics. Though these stereotypes are different, the generalizations inflict the same social limitations towards men and women in personal freedom in employability and behavior. Modern American stereotypes stem from the beliefs of older generations, which define the socially acceptable standards of conduct of men and women. Despite recent movement towards more progressive beliefs in society, gender stereotypes remain stubbornly ingrained within the American culture. Gender stereotypes often show how older generations lived and reflect the more restrictive social environment of the past, which affect today’s conceptualizations of men and women. During the Industrial Revolution, the â€Å"Doctrine of Two Spheres† was a belief that explained the divergence of men and women’s interests as more men left home to earn income for their families and more women stayed at home to take care of the children, thus marking the beginning of gender roles and stereotypes for both sexes in America (Brannon). Growing industrialization pressured men to seek employment in order to provide for their families, a task that grew increasingly difficult to achieve and started to endanger their masculinities, and forced women to adapt to the home environment.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Gender Based Stereotype in the Media1723 Words   |  7 Pageswhen the media insinuate the wrong and negative messages, consequently leading to unwarranted stereotypes. Particularly, the media can lead to gender based stereotypes when to communicate the wrong type of messages (Wood 31). On the contrary, there are certain scholars who believe the media is a mirror of the society. It is not directly responsible for any stereotypes but rather highlight the stereotypes existing in the society (Tozer, Gallegos, Henry, Greiner 444). While this to some extend isRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Men Essay1485 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract Through many generations women were not treated equally as men. Women have fought their way to have gender equality but it has been slowly progressing. More women are starting to have high ranked jobs, more have been going into the workforce and don’t have to stay home all day long to take care of the kids. There are many differences between the gender roles (how women and men act or how they should be) when it comes to certain things. Like if you tell a girl, she hits like a boy or tellRead MoreBiological Sex And Gender Roles1073 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferent from gender because there is assigned gender which is given to a child at birth and gender identity which is â€Å"a person’s internal sense of being male or female† (127). Additionally, there are gender roles which differ by culture and it presents how a person should behavior, the responsibilities a person should have, and their rights based on their sex. Cultural differences can be seen when comparing Arapesh of New Guinea and the Mundugumor. Arapesh men and women both have feminine gender roles,Read MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women1535 Words   |  7 PagesEveryday you hear women and men being compared in life. A majority of the time it is in a form of men being more superior than women rather it s stereotypes, appearances, or money; Men usually end up more dominant. Society tends to assume that men are more capable than women in all aspects throughout life. These postulations have commenced before we were even born. Men are expected to constantly be working and providing the home for the women and children; Women are assumed to be cleaning, cookingRead MoreGender Roles Are The Way People Act851 Words   |  4 Pages Gender in â€Å"Baby Daddy† TV show, Essay â€Å"Gender roles are the way people act, what they do and say, to express being a girl or a boy, a woman or a man. These characteristics are shaped by society,† (Gender Roles) These roles constitute the standards of the society and they are transmitted from one generation to another by education. Children learn these standards since their birth. Parents teach them how to act, to say and to behave according to their sex. Also, children learn the gender roles fromRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Women1662 Words   |  7 Pages Gender Roles â€Å"Gender is the costume, a mask, a straightjacket in which men and women dance their unequal dance† (Kearl). Throughout history, women have been treated with unequal and unjust standards in comparison to their male counterparts. This paper will discuss gender roles in society and the stereotypes placed on men and women. As well as gender role development and the different influences that lead to these roles and stereotypes. Also, it will outline the history and progress of women’sRead MoreMedia, Youth And Culture : Application Of Theory1664 Words   |  7 PagesCulture Discuss the ways in which gender identities are constructed and expressed through media and popular cultures? This essay will address the way in which gender identities are constructed and expressed through media and popular cultures using Hebdige’s theory; Symbolic Interaction. Both gender identities will test the typical affiliated gender stereotype; which are created by social interactions – what a person sees and interprets in their world is what they believe and act accordingly to. TheRead MoreGender and Negotiation 1073 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction-(1 page) Does gender influence how we negotiate, and how well we do? Does being a male or female affect our performance in a negotiation? Common logic tells us the answer is yes. Research concurs. Men and women differ in the way they view negotiations, the way they conduct negotiations, and even the outcome of negotiations. Being one gender puts us at an advantage to negotiate over being another gender. With the current style of negotiation, in the real world, men fare better in negotiationsRead MoreMovie Analysis : Toy Essay1607 Words   |  7 Pagesbeing one of the most popular, if not most popular, animated movies of all-time, Toy Story offers a limited perspective when it comes to gender because of manhood acts, homosociality, and stereotypes. The manhood acts in the film suppress women at the same time as they support the hegemonic masculinity, which is the masculinity that actively attempts to suppress women and inferior masculinities (Bird pg. 129). When the male characters in the m ovie do this, it approves of this negative behavior that limitsRead MoreThe Representation Of The Male Image936 Words   |  4 Pagessurrounding masculine values. Men are supposed to embody masculine archetypes and if they do not follow, what is considered to be, societal values, they are seen as less than a man. This image of how men are supposed to behave has been constructed by cultural values, which in turn influences societal values. Thus, the male gender stereotype has been circulated throughout media as showing how men are supposed to be and are looked down upon as feminine if they lack one of these stereotypes. According to cultural

“All the Single Ladies” by Kate Bolick (Rhetorical) Free Essays

In the 2011, November issue of The Atlantic, the cover article titled â€Å"All The Single Ladies† by Kate Bolick, was published. This powerful article presents a strong, independent, feminist-minded woman, who discusses marriage with the economic and demographic changes, the role of women and men in education and the workplace, and how these shifts are changing traditional marriage. Bolick uses ethos, pathos, and logos to reach out to the â€Å"Single Ladies†, the feminists, and the enlightened men about marriage in today’s quickly changing world. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"All the Single Ladies† by Kate Bolick (Rhetorical) or any similar topic only for you Order Now In recent years, there has been an explosion of male joblessness and a decline in male income, educational attainment, and employment prospects. However, in this brave new world women are rising to the top higher than ever in their education and careers. The world is consistently changing. In one-way which differs from the past is the variety of our interactions with the opposite sex. Now the opposite sex can be our classmates, bosses, or subordinates. Then come the debates that are all these statistics decreasing the group of traditionally â€Å"marriageable† men. Bolick explores how this new gender balance is giving people a fresh new outlook and prospect to re-think how they look at the institution of marriage. She explains how this shift is causing some women to choose to delay marriage, and why remaining single is not such a bad idea. Bolick demonstrates intrinsic ethos by being exceptionally knowledgeable about women’s success and the alterations of customary marriage. The single 39-year-old feminist, with a New York University master’s degree in cultural criticism is a recipient of a MacDowell fellowship. She has also taught writing, which shows Bolick’s extraordinary literary credentials. With a blend of personal reflection and reporting, she equally adds together reflecting on her own life and experiences as well as interviewing others about their lives and encounters. Bolick shares many of her own personal dating experiences. She chooses to write about these ideas for the reason that it is her life and the way she was raised. Bolick relies heavily on the strong influences and encouragement from her mother as seen throughout the article, â€Å"[Not being ready to settle down] is a second-wave feminist idea I’d acquired from my mother, who had embraced it, in part, I suspect, to correct for her own choices† (Bolick 118). Her mother learned from her own mistakes, and wanted nothing more but a future of limitless possibilities for her daughter. This is why there was so much stress on not being tied down just yet. Due to Katie Bolick’s upbringing and choice to be a single woman, has strengthened her argument and credentials and makes her a credible voice in the debate about marriage. Bolick begins her essay in an interesting and heartfelt way, where she uses pathos while reaching out to her reader’s hearts and capturing the reader’s interest. She specifically describes her break up with the perfect and exceptional boyfriend of three years for no good reason. Heartbreak is more than just an emotional defeat; it is painfully real. Readers connect and start to feel sorry for her when we read, â€Å"The period that followed was awful. I barely ate for sobbing all the time† (Bolick 116). This detached tone in her writing significantly shows and suggest Bolick’s attitude and feelings towards her painful past. Her readers can feel that this tone expresses tender emotions. Most members of her audience have likely been there before, recognizing the feeling of heartbreak she describes. However, at one point or another, the majority of people can relate to a mind numbing feeling: fears of being alone, fears of making a mistake. Bolick uses her emotional break up to engage the audience’s emotions as they imagine and relate to the feeling. Bolick enforces a logical appeal as she demonstrates being a strong user of data and statistics. She supports all her informative ideas and arguments with evidence, that provides for her claims. As seen throughout the article are facts to back up her initial idea, such as: â€Å"For starters, we keep putting marriage off. In 1960, the median age of first marriage in the U. S. was 23 for men and 20 for women; today it is 28 and 26† (Bolick 120). She uses several statistics to show the growing number of marriages being delayed nowadays. She also successfully compares statistics of men’s and women’s education and workplace accounts. She has clearly done a great deal of research and it is shown here as well as in all of her statistics. These statistics not only add surprise and interest to her writing, but also add logical appeal. With Bolick’s efficient use of the data and facts, the article backs itself with rationale and logic which leads the audience to a greater understanding and to logically infer and agree with her agreement of why the shift in marriages is currently on hold. These statistics displayed by the author are logically appealing and unmistakably apparent in her perspective and studies. Throughout the article, Bolick successfully and skillfully uses ethos, pathos, and logos to create a strong, convincing article. More important than the purpose of these techniques she uses independently is how Bolick uses them together, overlapping to create effective writing to inform the reader, and present her ideas on how the world around us is changing therefore, altering the idea of family and romance. In today’s world, education, the workplace, and marriage is very different from what it use to be. It is time to reevaluate marriage. As the economy evolves, we are now offered an opportunity. It is time to embrace new ideas and thoughts about romance relationships and family, acknowledging and kissing traditional marriages goodbye. Works Cited Bolick, Kate. â€Å"All The Single Ladies. † Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 308. 4 (2011): 116-136. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Nov. 2012. How to cite â€Å"All the Single Ladies† by Kate Bolick (Rhetorical), Papers

Case study on KIA Motors Corporation Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Case study on KIA Motors Corporation Answer: Introduction Marketing management is significant discipline of the organization that involves execution of methods, techniques and ways of procuring and systemizing the resources (Kotler and Mcdougall, 2016). The present work highlights the analysis of provided case study on KIA Motors Corporation which is in South Korea with 12 manufacturing and assembly. The purpose of current work is to understand the key steps taken by KIA as a part of its marketing management strategies. Main Body Customer relationship management Customer relationship management is about building up the bond between the customers and the organization. It is a way that appeals buyers in many ways in order to reach the target products to the customers. On the other way round, it is a way that enables supplier to know about the demand, need and desire of the customer through various prospectuses (Kotler and Mcdougall, 2016). From point of view of sellers, it involves assessing various ways of strengthen relationship that fosters long term connection in developing the buying and selling process in the market. There are different levels of building relationship with customers as stated below: Getting involved with the customers is the one significant way that involves knowing about the will and need of the customers. Listen them is the second way that helps the buyer to assess the requirements of the customers and their expectations. Lastly, the level to demonstrate their capability and effectiveness of products and services in order to show the right need for the right choice. Kia Motors UK has more than 166 dealerships which is build by its heritage process of delivering the values that it carries towards its customers. As per case study, it can be inferred that they strongly focuses on its marketing strategies that embarks the major arena of brand awareness (Cass and Julian, 2013). It demonstrates the capability of KIA to make its customers better understand with the product through very possible means. Through the promotion strategy that includes a new sponsorship in cricket and long-term partnerships in football and tennis shows the efforts of KIA in maintaining long term relationship with its customers. As depicted from the provided case study, KIA does not have same level of heritage brand level in the entire world. It shows the Unique Selling proposition of the brand in itself. Along with the same, Customers are identified in terms of their need by enabling the process of research and development programs. In competition to its suppliers, KIA work on bringing new, fresh and dynamic things in the market place (Kotler, 2010). They have smart set of objective which highlights entry in various market segments. All means of promotion campaigns are floated that are selected wisely to make their target message reach to the customers. Thence, all the macro environmental factors such as customers, suppliers and competitors are well considered by KIA in order to serve effective and efficient capability in the market. KIA is fourth largest in terms of its position establishment in the market. The reason behind gaining this commendable position lies in its targeting and positioning marketing strategies (Brooks and Simkin, 2012). Promotional means are well applied in order to stay ahead with the other competitors who are offering similar products in the market. For instance, as reveled from the provided case study, TV advertisement campaign that are promoted are inclusive of small yet mighty cat for the new Picanto and the future proof Kia cee'd, emphasizing the 7 year warranty. It is worth to notice that they never focus on targeting mass audience rather the specific group of customers are targeted in building value proposition and selling of desire product or car. KIA has been successful in acquiring the remarkable positions in the market through the two major areas. They have established their position in the market by fulfilling the need of customers. For this, they acknowledge the factor that is majorly being considered by every buyer. High quality is demanded by every buyer when only products and services are reviewed (Blery and Sfetsiou, 2010). KIA made it its value proposition in analyzing the quality ways that can add standard to its car manufacturing and services. Secondly, great design of Kia cars is worked upon by the company. The major focus is given on heritage look and provisions. This aspect is unique in terms of competition as designs are hard to manage and develop by parallel and upper existing brands in the market. There are basically four key marketing mix components that are part of principles and are described as follows: Product: Since the inception of idea regarding what the product is about and will be developed is included under this head (Mason and Staude, 2012). KIA manages product marketing mix component by ensuring the need of right product. 7 years of unique selling proposition of the KIA is provided along with great designs. This is followed by high level of customer satisfaction and concerns. Price: Another factor involves the costing that is accrued in selling the product to the buyer inclusive of profits and other inputs. It also involves strategy that is about applying better way of selling product in consideration to profit margins (Birtwistle, Nobbs and Fiorito, 2013). KIA manages price strategy by enabling competitive prices that provide an advantage over its competitors. Promotion: This involves ways to attract and reach the target buyers. KIA is effective in using small group of mass audience in ensuring successful completion of its selling process (Marketing Mix The Essential 7Ps To An Effective Online Marketing Strategy, 2013). From instance, as reveled from case study, they make use of a new sponsorship in cricket and long-term partnerships in football and tennis. Place: This is about creating an arena where the process of marketing can be facilitated. KIA manages to use the option of dealerships. As mentioned in case study, they currently use 166 dealerships as a large and expanding number of outlets. Differentiating is a way of adding features in the existing products with an objective to enhance better sales. In order to gain competitive advantage in the market, KIA uses strategy where major differentiation is created by focusing on planning aspect. They create group of small prospectus where all efforts are induced in knowing about their demand and requirement in connection with latest implication of styles and design patterns that are unique and heritage in style. Positioning on the other hand refers to the way that enables the successful identification of respective product and service in the market place (Nessim, 2011). Need of customer is focused as they are where KIA works majorly. They position in consideration of undertaking quality and car designs as the major concerns. In lieu of the same, the manufacturing process is planned and customers are attracted. Differentiated strategy is the kind where firm keeps major focus on developing promotional campaign among two or three market portions. In order to sell one key product, only two cities are considered which shows this type of strategy (Alexander, 2015). Undifferentiated strategy on the other hand is the kind where no focus in put on any particular segment rather efforts are induced in reaching mass and ample of customers with no limitation. Lastly, in contrast to above two, concentrated marketing strategy implied to pay attention on single audience where products and services are highly specific and significant (Principles of marketing, 2016). This generally includes luxury goods and concerns. In my opinion, KIA should rely on concentrated targeting strategy as the price which are set to sell those cars are high which are actually not meant for every customers and mass. Thence, this type enables the seller to effectively locate and sell the cars. Therefore, it is effective and efficient. Conclusion From the above report it can be concluded that marketing is considered as one of the most crucial functions that marketing manager of an enterprise needs to carry out to sustain in the environment under which they operates their function. However, the report has also measures different environmental factors that mainly affect or influence the individual and businesses References Books and Journals Alexander, N., 2015. UK retail expansion in North America and Europe: a strategic dilemma.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.2(2). 7582. Birtwistle, G., Nobbs, K. and Fiorito, S. 2013. Buyer perceptions of quick response systems in fashion retailing. EAERCD Conference, Paris. 36(4). pp. 45-47. Blery, E. and Sfetsiou, E., 2010. Marketing olive oil in Greece. British Food Journal. 110(11).pp.1150 1162. Brooks, N. and Simkin, L., 2012. Judging marketing mix effectiveness. Marketing Intelligence amp; Planning. 30(5). pp.494 514. Cass, A., and Julian, C., 2013. Examining firm and environmental influences on export marketing mix strategy and export performance of Australian exporters. European Journal of Marketing. 37(3/4). pp.366 384. Kotler, P. and Mcdougall, G., 2016. Principles of marketing. Prentice Hall Canada. 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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Jimmy carter free essay sample

Awarded for the Nobel Prize for Peace a life time working to promote working rights and democracy in 2002, and was the 39th president of the United States from the years of 1977 through out 1981, Jimmy Carter was born on October 1, 1924, in Plains Georgia. His father, James Earl Carter, was a peanut farmer and businessman who owned his own area of land as well as a warehouse and store; and his mother Lillian Gordy, was a registered nurse, where back in 1920s Ms. Gordy counsel black women on health care issues. Jimmy Carter in his early life studied Engineering at Georgia Southwestern Junior College before entering the Naval ROTC program to continue his studies in engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and received a Bachelor of Science degree form the United states Naval Academy in 1946; and afterwards Jimmy Carter graduated on working in nuclear physics at Union College (AE, 2013). While Jimmy Carter was in the Navvy, he was assigned to work on submarines and live the militia life, which made him to move around in his early marriage. We will write a custom essay sample on Jimmy carter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Carter and his wife Rosalynn Smith moved out to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where filled up the position of an electronic officer on the USS Pomfret. Jimmy Carter after serving his services as a navel officer and death of his father in 1953, Carter soon returned to his hometown Plains, he became involved in the community affairs, he then became a chairman of the county school board and became the first president of the Georgia Planning Association. In 1962 he Joined state politics and many years after on January 12, 1971